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2003年12月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试A级      (点击下载)

Section A   directions…Now the test will begin
1. A) Fixing an engine.  B) Repairing a car. 
    C) Cashing a check.   D) Buying some wheels.

2. A) Visit Japan..          B) Cook some food. 
    C) Travel abroad.       D) Eat outside.

3. A) One of a cheaper price.              
    B) One of a different color.
    C) One of a fashionable style.           
    D) One of a smaller size.
4.  A) He has changed his plan.            
     B) He has canceled his trip.     C) He is arriving this afternoon.         
     D) He forgot to arrange his trip.
5.  A) They had lost their way.             
     B) They were told it would rain.     C) They were caught in the rain.         
     D) They had taken an umbrella.

Section B  directions
Conversation 1
6.  A) Going shopping.   
    B) Staying at a hotel  
    C) Taking a trip. 
    D) Buying a book.
7.  A) By check.                B) In cash.      
    C) By credit card.         D) By mail.

Conversation 2
8.  A) Buying an apartment.            
    B) Repairing her apartment.   
    C) Renting an apartment.            
    D) Painting her apartment.
9. A) One near a park.     B) A larger one.    C) A cheaper one.        D) One with a good view.
10.A) The size.         B) The furniture.  
   C) The location.     D) The rent.

Section 3


 1. Why did Tina come to the employment agency ?
   To look for                      .     

12. What did she do in the employment agency ?
 She filled out                  .             
13. What was the problem with Tina ?
   She had little                     .
14. What job did she get at a supermarket ?
   A job as a                  .
15. How did she feel about her new job a few months later ?
   She felt it was very                    .



  • 1-5 BDBAC
  • 6-7 CA
  • 8-10 CBD
  • 11. a new job
  • 12.a form
  • 13. experience
  • 14. saleswoman
  • 15. boring

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